Chris Lum — Flying Tortoise Martial Arts

6th generation Liang Bagua Lineage ceremony: April 26th, 2024

Chris Lum’s Chinese given name is Mighty Tiger Lum. Through Flying Tortoise received his 6th generation lineage under Master Zhang Xueaan. Master Zhang Xuean is a highly revered 5th generation Master of Liang Baguazhang.

Chris / Mighty Tiger Lum studied basic Qigong and mixed martial arts in Hawai’i before becoming a student at Flying Tortoise Academy. His training in Portland centers around Liang family Baguazhang and Xuanlongquan, in which circle walking and basic Kung fu is a daily practice. Training since 2015 with Joey Haber and Senna Diaz has been a fulfilling immersion into internal martial arts. 


Chris’s Thursday classes will focus on elements that should be part of your Baguazhang daily practice: circle walking, fixed 8, Jibengong and Jinganbashi

Teaching style

“Circle walking is the heart of Ba guazhang; I spend the majority of my training with this complex and fundamental exercise. Being a steward of daily practice is something I’d like to help Baguazhang students with. I like to encourage students by finding their strengths and building them up to the next level in their practice. I’ve had a lot of patient and intelligent peers in Kung fu, hopefully I can teach like them.”
