Flying Tortoise Martial Arts

 Beijing Style Kung Fu with Shifu Joey

Shifu Joey here. This is the class I’ve always wanted to teach!  Join me up to three times a week for 2.5 hours of authentic TianTan* Kung Fu goodness. During the term will draw from all of my favorite styles* to build a robust understanding of Northern Chinese Kung Fu DNA. Folks invested in the school's curriculum will find this class in keeping with the progressions of both our Bagua and Taiji programs. The first half of the class will consist of Jibengong or foundational exercises. The second half will dive into deeper concepts, forms, combatives and weapons. 

This class is a deep dive and will move at a decent clip. I expect students enrolled to take notes and dedicate an average of at least 15 min a day to outside practice. The class is open to students of all levels, however, unlike the Tuesday and Thursday Fundamentals classes I will not be catering to the beginners in the room. Much like how I was trained to Beijing, you will be expected to do your homework and keep up.

* TianTan is the temple park I train out of in Beijing

*Joey’s favorite styles includes but are not limited to:

  • Cheng Style Baguazhang

  • Liang Style Baguazhang

  • Dabeiquan

  • Sanda

  • Sanhuangpaochuiquan

  • Shuijiao

  • Chen Style Taijiquan

  • Li Style Taijiquan

  • Xingyiquan