Flying Tortoise Martial Arts



or Eight Trigram Palm

Baguazhang is the youngest of the Beijing internal Kung Fu styles. Founded by Master Dong HaiChuan in the early 1800’s Baguazhang soon became famous throughout Northern China as a martial art for bodyguards, palace guards and experienced martial artists. Baguazhang is characterized by rapid changes in direction and sophisticated footwork as well as devastating strikes and throws.

Xingyiquan: Baguazhang classes include Xingyiquan instruction.


The Flying Tortoise Academy is the only school to hold formal Lineage with both the Cheng and Liang families of Baguazhang. Having direct ties to both systems makes Flying Tortoise Academy a singular teaching institution, providing our students with a unique perspective on the art.

Following over a decade of work with the Beijing Families Joey Haber took three students with him to China in the Spring of 2024. During this trip Joey Became the first American Shifu (Master) of Baguazhang to be graduated out of Beijing in a generation. Contemporaneously, his students also gained recognition for their efforts in the form of formal Lineage. Chris Lum, Became a 6th Generation Liang under Shifu Zhang Xuean, Milo Albright became a 7th Generation Cheng under Wang style Cheng Shifu Guan Xin and Ian Johnson became an 8th Generation Cheng under Shifu Joey Haber. These formalities served to dramatically expanded the schools connection to the Beijing families and broaden our ability to provide the very best and most authentic Baguazhang training experience.

In Cheng Baguaahang Joey’s formal Lineage is as follows:

1st Generation: Dong Haichuan,

2nd Generation: Cheng Tinghua

3rd Generation: Liu Bin

4th Generation Liu Xinhan

5th Generation Liu Chuang

6th Generation: Ni Rouhua

7th Generation: Joey Haber


In Liang Style Baguazhang Chris Lum’s formal Lineage is as follows:

1st Generation: Dong Haichuan

2nd Generation: Liang Zhenpu

3rd Generation: Li Ziming

4th Generation: Zhang Junnin

5th Generation: Zhang Xuean

6th Generation: Chris Lum

Master Joey Haber Teaching Master Sen

Master Joey Haber Teaching Ba Gua Dao

Master Joey Haber Demonstrating with Assistant Instructor, Will